In lieu of a full blog post this week (as I am caught up writing for another one of our projects to soon be announced), I wanted to direct everyone to an article I stumbled upon a few months back. I thought of it again as we prepare to present at a local school technology and career fair at which we hope to present the positive aspects of gaming and technology to local children and their families. So I have been reflecting upon positive aspects of gaming already discussed such as creativity, community, problem solving, etc. but then also ways for young gamers to bring their passion into their adulthoods. E-sports was a concept unfamiliar to me until this article but I am excited to learn how it is spreading across the country. I am so glad to be a part of it of this growing an evolving culture and to say that in my own way I have been able to bring my geek passions into my work. Enjoy the article, have a good week, and please check back next Sunday.